
Hearthstone is a game I am been getting into more and more recently. While I am not big into the lore of Warcraft, I enjoy playing as the many different characters the game has to offer. Currently, my main deck is using Jaina Proudmoore. I have yet to purchase any of the expansion packs yet, but I will most likely purchase them in the future.

In the past, I used to play World of Warcraft after a generous Christmas gift of the battle pack with every expansion pack to date. Currently, I am only missing Legion, as I have let my subscription lapse. In the future, I wish to get more into the lore of Warcraft and play more World of Warcraft to accompany my Hearthstone playing.

When I was younger I played the Pokémon Trading Card Game on the Game Boy Color, so this is part of the reason I like playing Hearthstone. I also reacquired the game on the Nintendo 3DS to relive part of my childhood, but more on that later.